Simply Put: An Introduction

If you’re wondering what this is actually all about, rest assured, you’re not alone.

We’ve been wondering that ourselves for years! It’s not everyday you find yourself literally in the path of a giant infrastructure development! And then to find out that it bears all the hallmarks of a scandal? To say that we are feeling a little like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole would be both accurate, and an understatement.

In the beginning, this became an issue for the founders of our group when they realized the possibility for personal upheaval created by the newly minted bypass plan. Simply put, the highway ran right through the middle of their property. Property which was about to be used for a business expansion, that in turn was to be the culmination of more than 40 years of effort. With their life’s work hanging in the balance, the Mryglod brothers began fighting an impossible fight. They would try to change the course of Regina’s history forever … and change it, they did!

Thanks to their dedication to this cause, the public began to criticize the government for it’s decisions regarding the bypass. Thanks to those efforts, this association was formed, people began to speak up, and the youth began to pay attention. But when our group realized the actual fight we were in, it made the hairs on the back of our necks stand up; the real danger was never just the bypass route … the real danger was the precedent being set.

Don’t kid yourself; this isn’t some fellows unfortunate sob story; this is a story about precedent.

With this deal, our provincial government has set a dangerous precedent wherein which the leaders of our Great Province can utilize the powers of eminent domain in a very broad-brush fashion. Oh yeah, and they now know they can write pretty sizeable cheques, without feeling much public backlash – or public calls to be transparent – about said sizeable cheques!

To some people, this story may not matter and that’s OK! Not everyone is built for this stuff! But some folks are, and it’s to those people that we would say ‘Join Us!’ Help us in our fight to keep our Saskatchewan government accountable. For us, this is merely the beginning; an inception point, if you will. There are many more miles to go before we reach our goal, and trust me, we’ve only just begun 😉

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