Regina Bypass Re Engineering Begins

The Bypass is Sinking! The Bypass is Sinking!

But the good news is it is on time and on budget and guaranteed for 30 years!

The taxpayers of Saskatchewan should
be relieved to know that the outdated, seriously flawed, dysfunctional, unsafe,
developer influenced, dead end, 2 billion dollar Regina Bypass is on time and on

In case you didn’t know, part of the newly built bypass is sinking. Yep. You read that right. Work is being planned right now to repair the sinking systems interchange off Tower Road. This is the latest development in the Regina Bypass fiasco, and not to sound like a broken record or anything, but we kind of told everyone that this was a bad idea! And not just us, but a bunch of other really smart people – the kind with degrees that matter –  said the exact same things, gave the exact same warnings and cautions, and yet still, this bullshit excuse for a development project got the green light …

I don’t suppose I need to remind anyone that back when this was all still just a bad idea, the projected cost exploded from 400 million dollars to over 2 billion dollars when it was moved 400 meters east of Tower Road? Of course in the time it took to get from there to here, we’ve had to deal with all sorts of interesting additions, changes, subtractions, retractions, reversals and redesigns to the plan, and now this bullshit version of a bypass project is sinking …

But remember, this isn’t even the worst of it! No, the sinking bypass problem is just the latest in a string of needless blunders. The very decision to make this project happen impacted thousands and saw people loose their land, homes, businesses, a ball park, access, health, histories and futures.

And yet the question remains; why did the government approve building
an outdated, seriously flawed, dysfunctional, unsafe, 2 billion dollar, developer
influenced, dead end Regina Bypass off Tower Road after land developers
purchased land in 2012?

Why did the government hire a Vinci, a company from France
– and one already rumoured to be involved in scandals in Europe with money laundering, bribery and
human rights issues – to build the Regina Bypass?

Very few Saskatchewan companies have received work from the project which has resulted in many companies now laying off workers and going out of business. Meanwhile, the government is in the midst
of a land scandal cover-up where developers flipped land and in some cases received up to
80 times more than other landowners in the same area.

But hey, despite all that, the good thing is that the Regina Bypass is on time and on budget and is guaranteed for 30 years! And in 30 years the Bypass contractor will hand the Bypass back to the Province and it will be like new! Well that is quite a relief seeing as how before they are even finished they have to start renovations and reconstruction to their ‘fantastic new development’ that is currently, literally, sinking! This dysfunctional bullshit Bypass has wasted over $2 billion dollars of taxpayers’ money, and that has destroyed our economy for the next decade at bare minimum. The up and coming book, Highway Robbery The Regina Bypass Land Scandal, will tell the
real story behind this $2 billion dollar scandal, and we can hardly wait to watch the dust fly when we release this hurricane!

Reserve your copy today at

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