Comments on: Better Solution Required The Regina Bypass Land Scandal Sat, 24 Nov 2018 14:38:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sherwin Moscovitch Sat, 24 Nov 2018 14:38:56 +0000 Here is my horror story about the Regina Bypass. In 2015 I was working at a Guardian Traffic Services now called ATS. I was approached/headhunted by the then Traffic Manager in regard to filling the traffic manager position. I eventually signed a 4 year contract and left my job at Guardian Traffic. I went through all their training and was eventually put into a supervisor role until I was up to speed on what would be required of me. Just about into the 3rd month I was pulled into the office and told that they were letting me go. I asked why and was told that I was hired as a manager and not a supervisor…even though they put me temporarily in that position. I was now out of a job. My position at Guardian Traffic (ATS) had been filled so going back was not an option. I went from making a VERY good living to having no job at all. Carmacks and all the other partners in this project have ruined my life by hiring and firing me. I wish I had never been approached them and had stayed at my position with ATS. They ruined my life.

By: Jeff z Thu, 05 Jul 2018 06:07:46 +0000 I would like more information how to buy the book… very interested… we would like to compare information that affected our construction company due to the way this project was handled.
