Better Solution Required

There is an undisputed need to better manage the traffic in East Regina.

Most taxpayers are hopeful that the 1.2 BILLION dollars about to be spent on the bypass will do just that, however, given that the bypass is not expected by the City of Regina to function as a bypass at all, but as a new Ring Road, commuters and truckers alike will likely be disappointed by the East Regina bypass.

If the purpose of the Bypass was to provide a 50 year solution to the traffic congestion, putting the Bypass within current city limits is short-sighted at best.

The proposed location near Tower Road does not allow for a future northern connection, as current developments in the area preclude easy access.

Taken directly from our old website,, these are exactly the things we were talking about at the inception point of this group. Fast forward to the present and this prediction is becoming painfully true with new reports indicating that this solution, might not be the solution we were looking for.


  1. I would like more information how to buy the book… very interested… we would like to compare information that affected our construction company due to the way this project was handled.

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