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Better Solution Required

There is an undisputed need to better manage the traffic in East Regina. Most taxpayers are hopeful that the 1.2 BILLION dollars about to be spent on the bypass will do just that, however, given that the bypass is not expected by the City of Regina to function as a bypass at all, but as a new Ring Road, commuters …

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Simply Put: An Introduction

If you’re wondering what this is actually all about, rest assured, you’re not alone. We’ve been wondering that ourselves for years! It’s not everyday you find yourself literally in the path of a giant infrastructure development! And then to find out that it bears all the hallmarks of a scandal? To say that we are feeling a little like Alice …

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Our Groups’ History & Goals

Welcome to the new Highway Robbery website, formerly known as the Regina Committee For An Alternative Bypass: Why Tower Road. What originally began as a group of concerned who proposed an alternative route to the Regina Bypass – one that made more sense and would be far more cost effective – has developed into an organization that stands to tell …